small conveyor dryer

1.2m Pengering Tunnel Infrared Industri Panjang



Iki pengering conveyor cilik yaiku sejenis inframerah pengering trowongan conveyor. Minangka produsen pengering trowongan, kita bisa ngatur alat pengangkut murah minangka panjaluk. Oven terowongan sing terus-terusan biasane cocog kanggo baking lan produk ngobati. Oven pangatusan kontinyu bisa digunakake ing akeh industri, kayata nyetak layar sutra, nyemprotake lumahing produk, lem thermosetting lan tinta, inkjet, klambi & kaos dyeing, lsp.

Mesin pengering conveyor industri kalebu conveyor sabuk teflon bolong lan oven pangatusan. Sistem conveyor duwe motor kecepatan variabel. Dhuwur area mlebu bisa diatur. Dadi pengering trowongan nyithak layar iki cocog kanggo pangatusan produk kanthi ukuran beda-beda.


Technical introduction of conveyor tunnel dryer

Machine name screen printing tunnel dryer
Drying oven type ir conveyor oven
Dryer length 1200mm
Mesh belt width 660mm
Heating zone area 725*660mm
Cheap conveyor dryer power 3KW
Gross weight 170KG


Features of small continuous drying oven

1. The mesh belt speed of the dryer can be adjusted by itself. Ing cara iki, customers can control the product drying time.

2. The height of the entrance and exit of the tunnel dryer is adjustable. Banjur, you can use it to bake different products.

3. The continuous drying oven is compact. Simple structure. Gampang kanggo njaga. Good drying effect.

4. This tunnel dryer screen printing has universal wheels with brakes. Easy to move.



Q1: how to make a tunnel dryer?

A1: Nyatane, this continuous tunnel oven is simple to manufacture. Sepisanan, produce the mesh belt conveyor. Then make the upper cover of the oven. And install the infrared heating lamps onto the cover. Finally assemble it to the conveyor.

P2: What’s the power of this continuous drying oven?

A2: This is a small conveyor dryer. The power is 3KW.


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