Nuduhake kabeh 2 asil

Conveyor sabuk modular menehi pelanggan karo aman, cepet, lan cara ngirim gampang kanggo njaga. Ing sistem konveyor modular nggunakake sabuk conveyor plastik modular. Menapa malih, cara transmisi mimpin dening sprocket a. Mula, sabuk conveyor ora gampang kanggo ula lan mbukak mati. Lan amarga karakteristik lenga & tahan banyu, sampeyan ora bakal duwe alangan ing pangopènan nalika sampeyan nggunakake. Utamané luwih trep kanggo ngganti sabuk conveyor. Iku uga yaiku slat modular chain conveyor utawa mattop conveyor. Minangka produsen sabuk conveyor modular ing China, kita bisa ngrancang & Ngatur akeh manéka rega murah plastik conveyors modular.

Spesifikasi Teknis Modular Conveyor

Bahan sabuk: POM, PP, Bahan PE;
Mengirim formulir: lurus, miring, ngowahi (kayata S-shape, wangun U, bunder, wangun Z) lan spiral;
Bahan rangka: baja tahan karat (SS304 utawa SS201), profil aluminium lan baja karbon;
Jinis sabuk: sabuk ndhuwur datar, sabuk grid flush, sabuk karo cleat, sabuk nganggo roller, sabuk anti-selip karo karet, sabuk nganggo sidewall, sabuk mlengkung;
Bahan pager: profil aluminium + poliethelin molekul dhuwur, guardrail tabung stainless steel bunder, pager bal, lsp.;
Kontrol kacepetan: kacepetan tetep, angger kacepetan konversi frekuensi, angger kacepetan stepless;
kacepetan Conveyor: 0~60 m/min (luwes);
Lamaran: panganan, pangolahan daging, toko roti, ngumbah mobil, botol, wedang, lsp;

Struktur Sistem Konveyor Modular

Saka struktur, iku banget padha karo conveyor slat. Conveyor mattop kalebu komponen ing ngisor iki, kayata sabuk modular plastik, sprockets, nganggo strip, bagean ndhukung, ngadeg, bahan rangka, motor lan mekanisme transmisi. Cara kerja conveyor modular? Sepisanan, motor nyopir sprockets. Banjur sprockets nggawe sabuk conveyor modular kanggo mindhah ngudani nyandhang.

Peran saka nyandhang Strip: sepisanan, bisa nambah urip chain conveyor modular. Luwih penting, sak minger sabuk conveyor mat ndhuwur, gesekan bakal ngasilake panas. Nanging, nyandhang ngudani bisa nyuda koefisien gesekan. Mangkono, bisa nyuda generasi panas sak transportasi. Mula, nyuda ekspansi termal lan kontraksi sabuk modular plastik. Dadi bisa nglindhungi chain conveyor modular uga.

Apa sabuk conveyor modular?

Sabuk modular plastik yaiku sabuk konveyor sing kuwat banget sing dipasang saka modul plastik. Kaping kabeh, plastik wis thermoformed menyang modul semi-rampung. Banjur ngumpulake modul menyang chain conveyor modular minangka syarat. Pungkasane, nginstal chain conveyor mattop ing conveyor kanggo nindakake lan transportasi bahan.

plastic modular conveyor belt structure

W: jembaré sabuk modular plastik;
L: dawa sabuk modular;
H: kekandelan saka modul sabuk;
1: loading & lumahing ngirimaken saka sabuk;
2: pemblokiran sisih cilik (dipasang ing sisih sabuk modular);
3: blok tengah (dipasang ing sisih ndhuwur sabuk mat);
4: pamblokiran sisih amba (dipasang ing sisih pinggir sabuk mattop);
5: Pin (dipasang ing bolongan modul kanggo nyambungake modul AB);
6: pamblokiran plug (diinstal ing slot saka pemblokiran sisih kanggo fix pin);
P: Pitch ( jarak tengah saka rong bolongan modul);

Carane ngumpul sabuk conveyor modular? Sepisanan, gabungke rong larik saka modul plastik. Banjur gunakake pin kanggo nyambungake. Pungkasane, nginstal plug pamblokiran ing slot saka loro pamblokiran sisih kanggo ndandani pin. Larik A: 2+3*N+4; Lan Row B: 4+3*N+2. Dheweke tambah akeh menyang L sing dibutuhake (dawa).

Cathetan: N tegese iku perlu sawetara bêsik pamblokiran tengah (3) kanggo nyukupi kabutuhan W (jembaré).

Jinis sabuk conveyor modular plastik

modular conveyor belt types

Supaya bisa adaptasi karo macem-macem aplikasi, ana macem-macem chain conveyor mattop kanggo milih saka. Ing ngisor iki sawetara sabuk conveyor ndhuwur mat utama.

1. Pisanan yaiku sabuk conveyor jinis datar. Lumahing conveying warata lan ora ana bolongan. Iku cocok kanggo aplikasi ngendi lumahing conveyor kebak kebak dikarepake. Dadi sabuk modular plastik sing rata bisa ngirim macem-macem produk. Menapa malih, bisa njamin stabilitas ngirim apik.

2. Kapindho yaiku sabuk modular grid flush. Lumahing sabuk conveyor duwe bolongan genggeman sing bentuke Strip. Asring digunakake ing aplikasi sing mbutuhake drainase utawa sirkulasi udara. Amarga desain bolongan mbukak, chain conveyor mattop iki nduweni permeabilitas udara sing apik. Bisa nyukupi syarat manawa ana ing uap suhu dhuwur utawa lingkungan sing mbutuhake konveksi udara. Menapa malih, kinerja drainase apik. Mula, iku uga cocok kanggo operasi ing jero banyu. Dadi ora perlu kuwatir babagan lingkungan kerja sing lembab sing nyebabake sabuk konveyor modular slip.

3. Katelu yaiku sabuk anti-selip. Ana karet ing modul sabuk conveyor. Utawa duwe tekstur non-slip. Utamane digunakake kanggo conveyor modular condong utawa conveyor climbing. Dadi bisa nyegah produk saka slip nalika transportasi. Kajaba iku, nalika aplikasi kanggo ngirim kurva, bisa ngindhari kahanan sing sabuk conveyor pinggiran njaba dadi saka njaba menyang njero.

Jinis sabuk ndhuwur mat liyane:

4. Sabanjure yaiku sabuk conveyor modular kanthi cleat lan sidewall. Cleat dipasang ing tengah melintang sabuk conveyor mattop. Kosok baline, sidewall rok dipasang ing sisih longitudinal sabuk conveyor. Cleat lan sidewall luwih dhuwur tinimbang permukaan sabuk kanggo nglindhungi materi ing permukaan sing ngirim. Nduwe aplikasi sing wiyar ing konveyor modular utawa lift ember.

5. Kalima yaiku sabuk modular plastik kanthi roller. Ana manik-manik sing bisa dipindhah / bal ing sabuk conveyor. Nduweni beban sing abot lan gesekan sing sithik. Ngurangi gangguan. Iku nggampangake tumpukan luwih apik lan ngatasi masalah penylametan produk. Kajaba iku, fungsi ngurutake punika pinunjul.

6. Akhire iku sabuk conveyor kurva modular. Ana rong jinis sabuk conveyor ngowahi: penyambungan horizontal dan vertikal. Amarga modul plastik banget fleksibel, bisa langsung digawe menyang modul saka macem-macem ukuran, wangun lan sudhut miturut syarat ngowahi. Banjur sampeyan bisa kanthi gampang nyambung menyang sabuk modular sing mlengkung. Kajaba iku, wis uga digunakake ing spiral conveyor. Kajaba iku, iku uga wis digunakake sudhut ing conveyor spiral. Conveyor modular spiral bisa ngangkut barang munggah utawa mudhun ing sudut miring cilik. Mula, ora ana sampah papan.

Fitur & Kaluwihan saka Modular Conveyor System

Amarga materi lan desain modular saka sabuk conveyor, iku ndadekke akeh kaluwihan. Bahan sing paling umum digunakake kanggo sabuk konveyor modular yaiku POM lan PP. Kadhangkala uga nggunakake PE. Ing ngisor iki kaluwihan saka conveyor chain slat modular.

  1. 1. Sepisanan, analisis karakteristik bahan sabuk modular plastik.

(1) Sabuk konveyor plastik POM:

POM yaiku Polyoxymethylene. Iki minangka plastik rekayasa kanthi sifat komprehensif sing apik banget. Ndhuwur kabeh, nduweni sifat sing apik banget kayata tahan lemes, nyandhang resistance, tahan panas, lan resistance impact. Menapa malih, koefisien gesekan cilik. Kajaba iku, sifat lubricating dhewe apik. Dadi sabuk konveyor modular POM kuwat lan awet.

Kapindho, POM nduweni resistensi pelarut sing apik. Iku tahan kanggo hidrokarbon, alkohol, aldehida, eter, bensin, lenga pelumas lan alkali sing lemah. Lan bisa njaga stabilitas kimia ing suhu dhuwur. Kisaran suhu -40 ~ 90 ℃. Kajaba iku, panyerepan banyu iku cilik. Mula, stabilitas dimensi apik ing lingkungan lembab. Dadi sabuk conveyor mattop POM nduweni daya adaptasi lingkungan sing apik. Menapa malih, Sabuk POM bisa cocok kanggo panganan.

Nanging, Sabuk modular plastik POM ora tahan karo alkali lan oksidan sing kuwat. Kajaba iku, resistance weather POM uga ora apik. Yen kena sinar ultraviolet nganti suwe, sifat mekanik bakal mudhun. Lumahing bakal retak.

  1. (2) Sabuk konveyor modular PP

  2. Bahan pp yaiku polypropylene. PP minangka polimer kristal putih putih susu. Iku ora beracun, ora ana ambune, lan hambar. Mula, sabuk modular plastik PP bisa langsung kontak pangan.

Kisaran suhu yaiku + 5 ~ 100 ℃. Dadi sabuk conveyor mattop PP nduweni resistensi panas sing apik. Kajaba iku, iku kuwat lan kaku. Menapa malih, PP nduweni asam banget, alkali, uyah, lan toleransi alkohol. Kajaba iku, iku utamané stabil kanggo banyu. Dadi sabuk conveyor modular PP bisa digunakake ing banyu.

(3) PE mat ndhuwur conveyor belt

Bahan PE yaiku poliethelin. Ora ana ambune lan ora beracun. Mula, Sabuk modular PE uga bisa cocog kanggo panganan. Amarga saka resistance suhu kurang banget, Sabuk mattop PE asring digunakake ing omah jagal kanggo transportasi sing didinginkan. Kisaran suhu -70 ~ + 65 ℃.

Kajaba iku, stabilitas kimia apik. PE conveyor belt bisa tahan paling asam lan alkalis. Mesthi wae, ora tahan kanggo asam kanthi sifat oksidasi. Kajaba iku, PE ora larut ing pelarut umum ing suhu kamar. Lan panyerepan banyu cilik. Insulasi listrik sing apik banget.

2. Fitur liyane saka conveyor mattop

(1) Gampang kanggo njaga

Amarga plastik conveyor belt tahan kanggo lenga lan banyu, iku gampang kanggo njaga. Salajengipun, iku gampang kanggo ngresiki. Mula, conveyor sabuk modular utamané cocok kanggo produk pangan lan daging. Ora ketompo produk apa sing bakal dikirim, kayata daging babi, pitik, lan iwak, ora bakal kena kontaminasi getih lan lenga. Ora bakal nempelake impurities ing permukaan sabuk conveyor modular.

Kajaba iku, sabuk conveyor plastik wis stabilitas apik. Lan wis resistance kimia kuwat. Dadi sistem conveyor modular ora bakal rusak dening deterjen utawa banyu panas. Mula, conveyor mattop utamané cocok kanggo transportasi produk iki, kayata woh-wohan, sayuran, daging, panganan laut, produk panggang, panganan beku, panganan kembung, lsp.

(2) Gampang kanggo ngumpul, nginstal lan ngganti

Modul sabuk konveyor bisa digabungake kanthi gampang. Amarga sabuk modular disambungake, iku banget trep kanggo nginstal lan mbongkar. Menapa malih, bisa nyuplai sabuk conveyor mat ndhuwur ing sembarang dawa lan jembaré. Yen prelu, iku uga bisa nambah modul fungsi ing sembarang wektu. Supaya bisa ketemu sawetara syarat ngaturaken khusus.

Yen ana karusakan, sampeyan bisa kanthi cepet ngganti modul sabuk individu. Ora perlu ngganti kabeh sabuk conveyor modular. Mula, bisa nyuda downtime lan biaya pangopènan.

(3) Multiple fungsi conveying

Sepisanan, ana akeh jinis sabuk conveyor plastik. Mula, bisa nangani meh kabeh tugas ngirim lan Processing. Angkut barang saka barang sing entheng nganti transportasi sing abot. Jangkoan ngirimake amba banget.

Menapa malih, tata letak sistem conveyor modular bisa banget mawarni-warni. Apa iku lurus lan ngowahi ngirim, utawa kepekso lan vertikal ngaturake, bisa nyukupi syarat.

Tata Letak Sistem Konveyor Sabuk Modular

modular belt conveyor system layout

Conveyor modular bisa digawe ing macem-macem wujud miturut syarat tata letak. Sing paling gampang yaiku conveyor mattop lurus. Banjur sabanjure yaiku conveyor kurva sabuk modular. Bisa dadi L-shape, wangun U, wangun C, S-wangun lan bunder. Kaping telune, nalika perlu kanggo climbing transportasi, kita bisa ngatur conveyor modular kepekso. Bisa dadi Z-shape utawa miring lurus (munggah utawa mudhun). Neng akhir, nalika produk kudu disimpen sementara utawa adhem, bisa digawe dadi conveyor spiral. Kajaba iku, uga bisa ngirit ruang kamar.

Kajaba iku, nalika perlu ngurutake barang, bisa ngatur conveyor sortasi modular. Menapa malih, bisa ngrancang pangalihan utawa confluence sistem conveyor modular.

Modular Mattop Conveyor VS Mesin Conveyor Liyane

  1. 1. mat ndhuwur conveyor vs meja conveyor

  2. Dibandhingake karo conveyor chain ndhuwur meja, struktur lan prinsip padha. Amarga prabédan ing struktur sabuk conveyor, kinerja lan aplikasi beda. Sabuk konveyor ndhuwur mat yaiku struktur modular. Akeh sabuk mattop katon kaya bolong. Kajaba iku, ana akeh jinis sabuk modular lan wujud. Dadi sistem conveyor modular duwe aplikasi sing wiyar saka panganan nganti ban mobil.
  3. Nanging, sabuk conveyor tabletop yaiku struktur piring chain. Iku katon kaya slat utawa wangun piring. Menapa malih, jinise kurang. Mangkono, iku utamané ngirim gendul, komplong lan karton, lsp.

2. conveyor kurva modular vs conveyor kurva sabuk PVC

Ndhuwur kabeh, sawetara aplikasi akeh luwih akeh tinimbang sing saka PVC ngowahi conveyor. Kapindho, sistem sabuk conveyor modular luwih gampang kanggo nginstal lan njaga. Iku rada angel kanggo ngumpulake conveyor kurva sabuk. Menapa malih, nalika karusakan sabuk PVC, iku perlu kanggo ngganti babar blas. Nanging sabuk modular plastik ora perlu ngganti kabeh sabuk.

Kaping telune, kadhangkala biaya sakabèhé saka sistem conveyor modul luwih murah tinimbang sabuk ngowahi conveyor. Contone, yen iku S-wangun, conveyor sabuk kudu dumadi saka 2 set saka conveyors sakcara lan 1 set saka conveyor kurva. Banjur perlu 3 set saka motor. Nanging, sistem conveyor modular mung perlu siji motor.

Kajaba iku, Konveyor sabuk PVC asring duwe fenomena panyimpangan sabuk. Mesthi wae, kapasitas mbukak-prewangan saka PVC sabuk conveyor ageng.

Carane ngumpul & nginstal modular belt conveyor?

Sadurunge Déwan conveyor modular, iku perlu kanggo mriksa kabeh bagean conveyor relatif. Pay manungsa waé menyang kondisi bar support. Malah yen anyar. Priksa manawa permukaane resik lan rata. Mesthine ora ana bledug lan partikel liyane. Yen ora, bakal nyuda urip layanan saka sabuk conveyor ndhuwur Mat.

Yen prelu, ngresiki sabuk conveyor plastik lan bagean liyane. Sanalika, supaya nyeret sabuk conveyor ing lantai reged. Kajaba iku, verifikasi dhuwur antarane bar support lan drive lan idler. Kanggo njamin keterlibatan sprocket sing tepat.

  1. 1. Pasang sabuk modular plastik

Sabuk konveyor modular disambungake kanthi cara interlocking utawa bricklaying. Banjur ngumpulake modul kanthi pin dawa. Neng akhir, nggunakake plug sirah kanggo ndandani pin. Mesthi wae, nalika customer tuku conveyor modular, sabuk kabeh dipasang kanthi apik.

Nalika nginstal ing conveyor mattop chain menyang pigura, nyeleh sabuk conveyor ing bar support. Pindhah loro sabuk conveyor ends nganti padha bisa disambungake kanthi bener. Banjur lebokake pin. Pungkasane, Cut mati keluwihan pin. Miturut cara iki, lay sabuk modular ing pigura conveyor.

Nalika nyambungake sabuk, priksa manawa padha ora ing tension. Yen ditrapake, ngidini jumlah sing tepat saka sag sabuk modular antarane roller buffer lan idler. Supaya kanggo mesthekake dawa sabuk conveyor bener. Kajaba iku, nalika nginstal sabuk karo sidewall, mesthekake yen mlaku ing arah sing bener.

2. Pasang sprocket conveyor modular

Sabuk modular nyadari gerakan lan tuntunan dening sprockets ing drive shaft utawa idler shaft. Nalika nggunakake sprocket kanggo nuntun alignment, sprocket tengah kudu kuwat diinstal ing batang karo ring posisi lan circlip a. Mesthi wae, kabeh sprockets liyane kudu diijini kanggo mindhah bebas ing batang. Dadi ing kasus owah-owahan ing suhu operasi, iku bisa ngganti menyang owah-owahan ing jembaré saka sabuk conveyor modular.

Kanthi ndandani sprocket tengah, bisa mesthekake distribusi malah saka expansion lan kontraksi tingkat sabuk conveyor mattop. Sanalika, iku ndadekake manawa kanggo kempal kabeh sprockets. Yen ora, bakal ngalangi keterlibatan sprocket lan sabuk modular sing bener.

Ukuran poros sing tepat penting banget kanggo umur sabuk konveyor modular. Defleksi gedhe banget saka poros drive bisa nyebabake meshing sing ora bener ing antarane sabuk ndhuwur lan sprocket.. Dadi bakal nyepetake nyandhang. Iki uga bakal nimbulaké pasukan ora rata ing sabuk conveyor plastik. Asile, karusakan dumadi, utawa pin gerakane.

Ngatasi masalah Sistem Konveyor Modular

Minangka produsen conveyor sabuk modular sing berpengalaman, kita wis ngringkes macem-macem solusi kanggo masalah.

  1. 1. Sabuk conveyor ora bisa dipandu kanthi bener. Kajaba iku, pinggiran ndemek pigura.

(1) Sepisanan, sprocket bisa misaligned
——Yen jumlah total untu saka sprocket bolongan kothak ora bisa dibagi dening 4, sprocket kudu “didandani” kanthi nyelarasake untu.

(2) Posisi sprocket tengah ora bener utawa longgar
——Sprocket tengah kudu didadekake siji. Sampeyan kudu dipanggonke ing tengah poros lan disambungake karo sabuk conveyor modular. Sanalika, mriksa perlengkapan. Priksa manawa dipasang kanthi kuat ing batang.

(3) Krenjang sabuk conveyor ora rata
——Priksa lan atur yen perlu.

(4) Drive lan idler shafts ora flush karo saben liyane
——Priksa lan atur yen perlu.

(5) Loro utawa luwih sabuk modular sebagian misaligned. Kajaba iku, padha ora disambungake kanthi bener. Yaiku, pinggiran sabuk conveyor plastik ora lurus.
——Priksa bagean sing ora rata saka sabuk konveyor mattop; banjur, nyelarasake maneh.

2. Kapindho, sprocket conveyor ora bolong mlaku utawa kanthi

(1) Longkangan antarane sprocket lan mburi bar support gedhe banget
——Nyetel posisi poros kanggo entuk ukuran sing disaranake.

(2) Sprockets ora didadekake siji
——Priksa apa posisi sumbu sprocket selaras karo bagean kontak sabuk modular plastik. Lan priksa manawa sprocket bisa mindhah kanthi bebas ing poros.

(3) Tegangan sing ora cukup saka sabuk konveyor modular
——Mesthekake yen ana cukup overhangs kanggo nyedhiyani tension. Sampeyan bisa nggunakake gembong gantung abot kanggo mesthekake tension.

(4) Sabuk conveyor mattop ora cukup ing sprocket
——Sabuk konveyor ndhuwur ing sakubenge sprocket antara 180 ° lan minimal 150 °. Kanggo mesthekake amba bungkus 180 °, nginstal roller buffer utawa mindhah roller ana.

3. Kaping telune, nyandhang gedhe banget saka sprocket

(1) Ora cukup sprocket
——Sprocket sithik banget bakal nyebabake nyandhang sprocket durung wayahe. Dadi nambah sprockets conveyor yen perlu.

(2) Sprockets ora didadekake siji
——Solusi padha karo ing ndhuwur.

(3) Kacepetan sabuk conveyor Mattop dhuwur banget
——Kacepetan gedhe banget saka sabuk conveyor plastik bakal nambah nyandhang saka sprocket ing. Utamane kanggo sabuk modular kanthi jarak tengah sing cendhak. Ngurangi kacepetan sabisa.

(4) Tegangan sabuk konveyor modular dhuwur banget
——Ketegangan sabuk sing gedhe banget bakal nambah nyandhang sprocket. Priksa manawa ana jumlah catenary sing cocog.

4. Kaping pat, nyandhang gedhe banget saka chain conveyor mattop

(1) Materi saka sabuk conveyor ndhuwur mat ora bener
——Priksa spesifikasi materi kanggo mesthekake nggunakake materi sing paling apik.

(2) Bar dhukungan disetel salah
——Priksa manawa bar dhukungan tundhuk karo instruksi desain.

(3) Loading produk
——Yen nyandhang ana nalika produk dimuat ing sabuk conveyor modular, yen bisa, nyuda jarak antarane produk lan sabuk.

(4) Kacepetan sabuk konveyor dhuwur banget
——Kacepetan sabuk conveyor sing dhuwur banget bakal nambah nyandhang. Ngurangi kacepetan sabisa.

(5) Beban sing dhuwur banget
——Yen bobot produk abot banget, iku gampang kanggo ngrusak sabuk modul. Mangga mesthekake yen memenuhi syarat beban.

5. Pungkasane, pin entek saka sabuk modular plastik

(1) Pin ora dikunci kanthi bener
——Priksa apa sirah pin, ring ngunci utawa modul pinggiran mat ndhuwur conveyor belt rusak. Ganti yen perlu.

(2) Suhu nyebabake pin kanggo mulet
——Pilih bahan bolt sing cocog. Shorten pin lan instal maneh. Utawa ngganti karo sing anyar lan luwih cendhek.

Pangopènan Sistem Konveyor Sabuk Modular

1. Kabeh sabuk konveyor modular plastik bakal mulet sajrone sawetara minggu pisanan operasi. Iki normal lan bisa ditebak.

2. Sawise wektu nggunakake, bisa uga kudu shorten sabuk conveyor mattop. Ing kasus iki, bisa nyetel mekanisme nduwurke tumpukan. Utawa mbusak siji utawa luwih larik saka sabuk conveyor ndhuwur Mat.

3. Yen ana sawetara modul ing kabeh jembaré conveyor ing, sawise njabut keluwihan dawa sabuk conveyor, konfirmasi integritas pola lumahing sabuk conveyor. Yen pola ora lengkap, mbusak baris saka sabuk conveyor plastik. Utawa pasang maneh baris sabuk modular.

4. Sawise shortening sabuk conveyor, mesthekake nomer cocok saka overhangs ing conveyor bali.

5. Priksa sabuk konveyor modular kanthi rutin kanggo mesthekake yen operasi normal. Frekuensi inspeksi gumantung ing kahanan operasi umum kayata beban, kacepetan, nyandhang nyata, interval reresik, suhu operasi, lsp.

6. Sampeyan kudu ngganti bagean sing rusak utawa rusak kanggo mesthekake operasi tanpa masalah.
(1) Sepisanan, mriksa nyandhang lan alignment saka sprocket conveyor modular.
(2) Kapindho, check whether the plastic conveyor belt is tracking correctly.
(3) Kaping telune, check whether the conveyor belt modules, cleatd and sidewall are damaged and worn.
(4) And then check the protruding pins of the modular belt.
(5) Pungkasane, check whether the support bar/conveyor belt bracket of the conveyor is loose.

How to clean the plastic modular conveyor belts?

It is strongly recommended to clean the modular conveyor regularly. Cleaning can reduce overall wear of mattop conveyor belts, sprockets and pins. Thereby it will increase the service life of modular conveyor system.

The best cleaning method depends on the specific application and industry requirements. Contone, the food processing industry is very demanding on hygiene and environmental requirements.

Mesthi wae, different modular belt materials have different chemical resistance. Mula, before cleaning, please make sure to choose a suitable cleaning agent. When cleaning with hot water, do not exceed the maximum temperature allowed by the modular conveyor belt.

Do not exceed the recommended chemical concentration or exposure time of the cleaning agent. Especially high chemical concentration and high chlorine content can cause degradation of plastic materials. If in doubt about the suitability of the cleaning agent, please consult the cleaning solution supplier. Sawise diresiki, always rinse the plastic conveyor belt thoroughly with water.

Factors affecting the service life of modular conveyor system

The maintenance of modular conveyor components, operating speed and load will affect the lifetime of the modular conveyor system.

1. Installation clearance
Be sure to leave enough space between the plastic conveyor belt, support bars, guide modules and other components. To avoid excessive wear. When determining the size, keep manufacturing and temperature changes in mind.

2. Alignment of support bars
For long-term worry-free operation, the alignment between the bracket and the modular belt must be accurate. This will avoid unnecessary resistance, pinch points and excessive wear.

3. Speed
We recommend that the soft start speed is faster than 20 m/min or more than 70% utilization. Keep in mind that the temperature increases with the increase in speed, and to ensure that the support bar will not be overloaded at high speeds.

4. Sprocket
We recommend that odd-numbered sprockets always use a center sprocket. Only fix the center sprocket and allow the other sprocket to move laterally. So as to cover the expansion of the modular conveyor belt width.

5. Expansion/contraction with temperature
When the temperature fluctuates, the plastic may expand or contract significantly. If the working temperature is different from the ambient temperature, the construction or design engineer must change the length and width of the modular belt. This will affect the mattop conveyor belt sag on the loop and the lateral gap on the conveyor frame.

6. Load
The weight of the product has a great influence on the life of the modular belt conveyor. When using, do not exceed the designed load capacity. It should start the modular conveyor system without load.

Plastic Modular Belt Conveyor Design

  1. 1. Mattop conveyor sprocket

During the slewing movement, the lifting of the module causes a change in the linear speed of the plastic modular belt. The number of teeth on the sprocket is the decisive factor for the periodic fluctuations of these speeds.

As the number of sprocket teeth increases, the percentage change in conveyor speed decreases. In practice, this means that if you do not want the goods to tip over or if it requires a more stable modular conveyor speed, it must use maximum number of teeth.

When confirming the correct number of sprocket teeth, please note that the larger the sprocket, the required transmission and shaft torque will increase accordingly. If the torque is too large, the sprocket teeth and the modular conveyor belt cannot mesh properly. It will lead to accelerated wear of the sprocket and plastic conveyor belt, or even damage. Kajaba iku, it may need to increase the shaft and motor power. This means an increase in costs.

About the return conveyor roller

Use an idler roller on the loop to ensure a wrap angle of approximately 180°. (This does not apply to mattop conveyor belts with a center distance of less than 2 m. It doesn’t require a roller on the return conveyor.)

Number of modular conveyor sprockets

According to experience, the sprocket spacing should not exceed 160 mm. Divide the width of the mat top conveyor belt by 150mm, round the result and add 1. Pungkasane, get the minimum number of sprockets required.

If you end up with an even number, we recommend adding another sprocket to reach an odd number. So it can get a true center sprocket. Nanging, narrow modular conveyor belts (<300 mm) are an exception. Here, mattop conveyor belt requires two sprockets. But there has never been a plastic conveyor belt with only one sprocket.

Depending on the load, it may need to increase the number of modular conveyor sprockets. And it can calculate number of drive sprockets from the adjusted ratio of the available belt tension.

2. The support system of modular chain conveyor

Standard plastic support bars are available from many plastic suppliers. The width should be about 30~40 mm. Kajaba iku, the thickness depends on the height of the screw head. We recommend using UHMD-PE or PE 1000 as the support bar of modular conveyor. Or, in some cases, it can use hardwood or steel. For the best choice of support bar material, see the table below.

Working Condition

Support Bar Material




low-load and low speed

HMW-PE (Don’t place the side turning support bar on the modular conveyor belt with radial force.)



high-load and low speed




high-load, high speed and dry

Nylon board (the use of oil-impregnated support strips may cause dust to collect on the mattop conveyor belt and support bars)



Humidity, high abrasion or high temperature

baja tahan karat (cold rolled austenite)
(Not recommended for soft annealed austenitic grades)



The continuous support plate is made of steel or plastic. We recommend it for heavy-duty conveyor belts. Kajaba iku, the layout of the support bars has two forms, namely parallel and V-shaped.

Linear parallel support bars are a low-cost solution for small load applications. If use parallel support bars, we recommend placing them between the sprockets to ensure support. The V-shaped type can make the support bar wear evenly. Thereby increasing the load of the modular belt conveyor.

For modular belt curve conveyor, it must support the sides around the curved part by plastic rails. The plastic can be is PE 1000 or a plastic with lubricating properties on the inner radius.

3. Modular Conveyor Shaft

The modular belt conveyor can choose not only square shaft but also round shaft. Mesthi wae, the square shaft has the following advantages over the round one.

(1) It can still be driven and tracked without machine keys and keyways. This can save manufacturing costs.

(2) Helps to move the conveyor sprockets horizontally under temperature changes.

Mesthi wae, circular shafts using guide keys are also suitable for narrow modular chain conveyor with low loads.

How to choose the modular conveyor shaft?

Choosing the right shaft size is particularly important for the lifetime of the modular conveyor system. Excessive deflection of the drive shaft can cause improper meshing between mattop conveyor chain and sprocket. Thereby accelerating wear. When selecting the shaft size, it should consider the bearing torque on the drive shaft. The tension of mat top conveyor belt transmits the torque to the drive shaft through the sprocket. Under the action of product load and frictional resistance, the tension of the modular conveyor belt will remain constant. Nanging, the torque on the drive shaft will vary with the selected sprocket size.

Shaft alignment

Correctly aligning the shaft is conducive to the operation of the modular belt conveyor. Yen ora, it will cause the mat top belt to travel in the wrong direction. The mattop conveyor belt frame and shaft must be level. Kajaba iku, the shafts need to be placed correctly relative to each other. This means parallel alignment for straight conveyor belts. And vertical alignment for 90° modular curve conveyor.

Shaft bending

The drive shaft is bent due to the pulling force of the modular conveyor belt acting on it. This effect increases as the bearing distance increases and the shaft size decreases.

In order to reduce fatigue and ensure a small and uniform transmission gap, it should control shaft bending. We recommend that the deviation is less than 2 mm. If the belt tension causes a deviation of more than 2 mm, please choose a larger shaft. Especially for modular conveyor system with a wide belt width, install an intermediate bearing.

4. Design modular belt inclined conveyor

When design incline mattop conveyor, it should note the following aspects:

(1) The drive shaft must be located at the upper end of the conveying device. Or adopt a center-driven design.

(2) The slide rail support is preferred. Most incline modular conveyor system use cleats and sidewall. In these cases, it must use side rails.

(4) When the width of the mattop conveyor belt with a cleat exceeds 600mm, it should install a baffle for support.

(5) Suspension follows the same operating principle of horizontal modular belt conveyor. But in most cases, it is placed at the lower end of the conveying device.

(6) Because the inclined mattop conveyor is often used for heavy loads, the hanging chain may not provide enough tension to ensure the correct engagement of the drive sprocket. Mula, it is best to install a screw-type tensioning device on the lower shaft.

5. Design modular belt curve conveyor

When the turning modular chain conveyor moves in a curve, it will exert pressure on the inner edge side guide rail. When designing, pay attention to the following principles:

(1) The turning radius should be as close to the minimum radius as possible. An excessively large radius will cause a frustration when the modular belt conveyor is running.

(2) In order to prevent the modular belt from turning over, it must add side guards to the inside & outside of the curve. Nanging, if the width of the product is greater than the width of the plastic conveyor belt, it should use tab hook side guards. Kajaba iku, it generally use high molecular weight polyethylene with low friction coefficient.