
Custom Many Kinds of Flexible Plastic Chain Conveyor System


Plastic chain conveyor з'яўляецца свайго роду flexible chain conveyor system. The flat top chain conveyor mainly uses aluminum profile or stainless steel as frame and beam. Адначасова, it adopts toothed plastic steel chain as conveyor belt. This multi-flexing планкавы канвеер can not only suitable for horizontal conveying, but also applicable for vetical transportation. The flexlink conveyor is ideally suitable for space save or optimization occasions. The modular belt design allows for complex conveying routes. So this flexible modular flat top conveyor is very applicable for cosmetics, perfume, напой, dairy, напой, pharmaceutical, харчаванне, condiments and other industries. Карацей, it is the ideal choice for feeding and packing bottles, jars, cans, tins or small boxes.

Introduction of Plastic Chain Conveyor

Flexible chain conveyor is a combined three-dimensional conveying system. It is based on the aluminum profile or stainless steel beam (45-105mm wide) with T-shaped groove as the guide rails. It guide the plastic slat chain for flexible transmission. The products are directly loaded on the conveyor chain or positioning pallet. Прычым, it allow horizontal and vertical direction changes. The width of the conveyor chain ranges from 44mm to 175mm. Because of modular design, вы можаце непасрэдна сабраць канвеер з дапамогай простых ручных інструментаў. Ён можа ўтвараць розныя вытворчыя лініі ў адпаведнасці з рознымі патрэбамі карыстальнікаў.

Канвеер з плоскім верхнім ланцугом мае шырокае прымяненне ў выпадках з высокімі санітарнымі патрабаваннямі і невялікім памяшканнем фабрыкі. У дадатак, гнуткі ланцужны канвеер можа дасягнуць максімальнага выгібу ў прасторы. Да таго ж, ён можа змяніць такія параметры, як даўжыня і кут выгібу ў любы час. Ён просты ў эксплуатацыі і гнуткі ў распрацоўцы. Акрамя таго, ён можа быць зроблены ў розных рэжымах транспарціроўкі выцягвання, штурхаючы, падвешванне і заціск. Затым ён складае розныя функцыі, напрыклад, зліццё, расшчапленне, сартаванне, і сукупнасць.

Як працуе пластыкавая ланцуговая канвеерная сістэма? Прынцып працы наступны. Падобна на настольны лачачны канвеер, спачатку зубчастыя ланцугі ўтвараюць канвеерную стужку. Then the sprocket drive the link chain belt for a normal cycle operation. Due to the toothed connection and large gap, it can realize flexible curved and vertical climbing transportation.

Tehcnical Specification

Conveyor Type or Shape Straight,double-row, multi lines, L-shape, S-shape,П-вобразная форма, J-shape, Z-вобразная форма, F-shape, кругавая,multi-flexing (Multiple corners), inclined, vertical spiral,gripper chain conveyor,і г.д..
Рухавік AC 220V/sph, or AC 380V/3ph
Beam & матэрыял каркаса aluminum profile or SS304 stainless steel
Chain material ПОМ, ПП, Нержавеючая сталь
Chain type flat top chain, ESD chain, friction top chain,cleated chain,roller chain,steel-plated chain,roller carrier chain
Chain width (мм) 63, 83, 103, 140, 175, 295
Conveyor width (мм) 65~300mm
Conveyor length (мм) 600~4000mm
Flexible chain conveyor speed up to 50 м / мін
Max load per meter (кг) 30кг (horizontal transport), 5кг (vertical transpor)
Allow working tension (N) 500~1500
Operation temperature -20~+90℃
Turning radius custom

Structure of Flexible Chain Conveyor

flexible plastic chain conveyor structure

The plastic chain conveyor composes of several parts, such as flat top chains, кранштэйн, beam, turning wheel, beam support parts, рухавік, drive head / tail, guard side bar, і г.д..

  1. 1. Flexible flat top plastic chain

Flexlink chain is injection molded from polymer engineering plastics. Па-першае, form it into a single-plate semi-finished module by thermoforming of plastic. Then use stainless steel pins to splice the modules into a chain form. The common material is POM. So it has long time operation lifetime. If require acid and alkali resistance, it can also use PP or PE material. У дадатак, the standard conveyor chain width is 45mm, 63мм, 70мм, 83мм, 103мм, 140мм, 175мм, 295мм. And chain plate pitch: 25.4мм, 33.5мм, 35.5мм, 38.1мм. The flat top chain plate can adapt to the temperature of -40~90℃.

Да таго ж, the toothed flexlink chain has minimal noise and vibration during operation. So it enables high-speed and reliable operation in transportation operations. Due to the toothed structure, the plastic conveyor chain can bend freely in the horizontal and vertical directions. Flexing chain has wide applications in the operation of low noise, high speed, sanitation and cleanliness, and large center distance.

flexible flat top plastic chain types

The flexlink chain types:

The plastic chain has several types, such as standard /univeral chain, ESD chain, friction top chain, cleated chain, roller chain, steel-plated chain, roller carrier chain, і г.д.. У дадатак, it can install the fixtures on the plate chain. Сярод іх, standard flexlink chain is the most commonly used type. Па-другое, the anti-static chain is appliable for conveying electronic components. If you need the inclined transport, you can choose the friction top chain. It enables conveying products in inclined route up to 15°~30°. Вялікая паверхня трэння забяспечвае бяспечную і стабільную працу вырабаў.

Канешне, калі вам патрэбныя большыя нахільныя куты транспарціроўкі або вертыкальная транспарціроўка на 90°, вы можаце выбраць ланцуг з шыпамі. Прычым, ён можа ўсталяваць адлегласць паміж перагародкамі, каб адпавядаць даўжыні прадукту. А ролікавы ланцуг падыходзіць для абароны транспарціроўкі прадуктаў у секцыях назапашвання. Гэта можа знізіць высокі ціск назапашвання. Да таго ж, гэта дазваляе лёгка выдаліць прадукты ў кропцы прыпынку. Нарэшце, сталёвы ланцуг можа перадаць цяжка, задзіраны і гарачы (да 80℃) часткі. Акрамя таго, нержавеючая сталь падыходзіць для вільготнай працоўнай асяроддзя.

2. Гнуткая ланцуговая канвеерная бэлька & кранштэйн

Бэлька і кранштэйны вызначаюць устойлівасць корпуса пластыкавага ланцужнога канвеера. Даступны матэрыял - анадаваны алюмініевы профіль і нержавеючая сталь (SS304 або SS316). Ёсць некалькі тыпаў, напрыклад, лёгкія нагрузкі, сярэдняга грузу, цяжкіх. Такім чынам, ён можа адаптавацца да транспарціроўкі розных па вазе прадуктаў. У бэльцы ёсць накіроўвалыя. Ён аказвае накіроўвалы ўплыў на пластыкавы ланцуг. Такім чынам, гэта забяспечвае стабільную транспарціроўку.

3. Паваротнае кола ланцуговага канвеера з плоскім верхам

flexlink conveyor turning wheel

Крывое кола - гэта ўнутраная апорная прылада, калі пластыкавы ланцуг паварочваецца. Яна ўключае ў сябе гарызантальны і вертыкальны тыпы. Даступныя тыпы паваротных колаў гнуткага ланцуговага канвеера - 30°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 180°. Мінімальны радыус павароту 150 R. Калі некаторыя прадукты не падыходзяць для павароту колы на 90°, вы можаце выкарыстоўваць 2 наборы колаў з крывой 45° або 3 камплекты колаў з крывой 30°. Гнуткая ланцуговая пласціна канвеера кіруецца накіроўвалымі коламі і рэалізуе паварот. It can effectively reduce the phenomenon of excessive resistance during the operation of the flat top chain. So this avoids the situation that the flexible chain plate is broken when the turning radius is large. Адначасова, it also avoids the burning of the motor when the load is overloaded. Прычым, it can reduce noise to the greatest extent.

4. Drive device of plastic chain conveyor

It include the head drive module and tail driven module. The head drive module includes these parts, such as drive shaft, motor flange, side sealing plate and sprocket. The sprocket is set between the two side sealing plates. It uses the sprocket to drag the plastic chain plate to move. There is no elastic sliding and slipping phenomenon. The device is light in weight. Прычым, it is convenient to install with the conveying beam. So it’s suitable for various series of flexible conveying systems. У дадатак, the cost is low, and it is easy to disassemble and repair.

З другога боку, plastic chain conveyor needs a set of driven device to make the chain revolve in order to achieve cyclic operation. It includes these parts, such as driven shaft, driven sprocket, side sealing plate and connecting strip. Their housing is made of cast aluminum.

Types of Flat Top Chain Conveyor

The flexible chain conveyor has many kinds of shapes. The shape of flexlin coneyor can be simple, such as straight, L-shape, J-shape, S-shape, П-вобразная форма, і г.д.. У дадатак, its shape can be also complex, such as circular, modular pallet conveying, multiple corners, vertical spiral, gripper conveying, і г.д.. Now introduce several complicated chain transfer conveyor systems:

  1. 1. Multi corners (multi flexing) пластыкавы ланцуговы канвеер

  2. multi flexing plastic chain conveyor
  3. 1-drive module, 2-driven device, 3-beam, 4-turning device, 5-flat top plastic chain

    When conveying materials, the conveyor belt often needs a certain turning angle. But the working surface of the traditional conveyor belt is a flat surface. Да таго ж, the turning radius is relatively large. Таму, it is difficult to complete a 180° turn in a small space. У выніку, the transport fails. У дадатак, when the conveying material is large and the speed is fast, it is easy to cause the conveyor belt to break. So this will adversely affect production.

    Аднак, this multi-corner plastic chain conveyor can solve the above problems. It realizes the multi-angle operation of the flexible chain through multiple curve wheels. The turning radius of the flat top chain is very small. So it increases the conveying length in the unit area. Thereby reducing the floor space of the plant.

  4. 2. Workpiece pallet conveyor chain transfer system

pallet chain conveyor

  1. On assembly lines, it often need conveyor systems. It transports the workpiece from one station to another. With the help of friction, the workstation tray / pallet moves with two continuously the flat top chains. The modular pallet flexible chain conveyor can flexibly adapt to the diversification of product assembly processes. It is easy to realize the optimized layout of the production line. Прычым, it can improve production efficiency, and reduce the backlog of products. Because of the modular design, you can reuse the plastic chain conveyor. This flat top chain conveyor can be used under harsh sanitary conditions such as cleanliness and safety. Flexlink conveyor is especially suitable for applications in the machining industry (such as bearings), auto parts assembly industry, electronic assembly industry and daily chemical industry.

3. Mutil-layer Curved Circular Flexible Chain Conveyor

stacking flexlink conveyor

The flat top chain conveyor achieves multiple curves in the vertical direction. It makes full use of the height space. So it can convey and store more products in an limited space. Thus it’s good for product stacking or cooling. It has wide application in plastic bottles or food industry. На самой справе, it is similar to spiral conveyor. The chain vertical conveyor is suitable for lifting and lowering transportation in a small space. This flexlink conveyor saves space, is easy to maintain, and has a long life. It can be matched with products that need to be temporarily stored, cooled or continuously moved up and down during the production process. It can also cooperate with the warehouse system.

This kind plastic chain conveyor is a compact and efficient products stacking platform. It is mainly used to temporarily store the products. Наогул, the stacking time is about 5-20 хвілін. The flexible conveyor line can be horizontal or spirally vertical.

Асаблівасці модульнага ланцуговага канвеера

1. Па-першае, чыстыя: the flexible chain conveyor is assembled from high-strength engineering plastic chain plates and anodized aluminum profile or stainless steel. It doesn’t need no lubrication for equipment operation. And the flat top POM chain has strong corrosion resistance. Because it is white material, it is very clean and tidy, and easy to maintain.

2. Па-другое, simple: use modular design and standard structure. Таму, the flexible chain conveyor is easy to install and easy to disassemble and maintain.Basic disassembly and assembly work can be completed by a single person only with common hand tools. If production requirements change, it can easily adjust entire plastic chain conveyor system.

3. Па-трэцяе, stable and low noise: the flexible conveyor belt transmits power through the meshing of chain plates. Таму, the impact is small, the movement is stable, and the noise is small. Прычым, the stable performance can ensure that the product does not fall and slip off during transportation.

4. Чацвёрты, flexible: This flexlink conveyor system composes of arbitrarily disassembled components. With different radii of vertical and horizontal curves, it can convey products in any space. It can complete many transport forms, such as horizontal, inclined, vertical, паварот, spiral, clamping, hanging, overturning, rotating and other conveying forms. У дадатак, this flexible conveyor system can be large or small. So it can save plant area.

Other features:

5. The flexible conveyor chain has many advantages, such as a wide range of temperature adaptation, good anti-sticking performance, a large lifting angle, and easy cleaning. Да таго ж, there are many kinds of chain types, so as to suitable for different transport applications. Прычым, the plastic chains use eco-friendly materials. Таму, it meets the production requirements of food and medicine. У дадатак, the reliability of the plastic conveyor chain plate is also very high. The chain links of the flexible chain plate have a multi-piece structure. Такім чынам, when individual chain pieces are damaged during work, you can quickly replace it in time.

6. Since the conveying beam and brackets are aluminum profiles, it is easy to cut quickly. So easy can be long or short. Адначасова, aluminum is easy to bend. Таму, it is convenient to directly modify the length and height of the flexible plastic chain conveyor at the installation site. У дадатак, the aluminum profile is light in weight. So the work intensity of the staff is less. З другога боку, stainless steel is suitable for the requirements of food and pharmaceutical industries.

7. Нарэшце, it can install the fixtures and pallets on the plastic conveyor chains. Fixtures and pallets enable efficient one-piece transport solutions. From the assembly of medical equipment to the engine parts, the flexible chain conveyor can adapt to various environments. Адначасова, it is convenient for automatic control and product assembly.

How to Customize Plastic Chain Conveyor?

Flexible plastic chain conveyors can used in many industries, напрыклад, ежа, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, beverages, health care products, mechanical parts and electronic product assembly industries. So how to choose the flat top chain conveyor rightly?

1. Па-першае, determin the type of flexible chain conveyor according to the area of the plant and the conveying route. Choose horizontal, inclined or vertical transport. У дадатак, determine whether you need to transport in a straight line or in a turn. If incline flexlink conveyor, you can choose friction-resistant chain, roller chain or cleated chain.

2. Па-другое, you need to inform the application of the flat top chain conveyor. If for electronic products, it can choose an anti-static flexilink chain. If for food or pharmaceuticals, then it can use stainless steel beams and brackets. У дадатак, if you want to facilitate the assembly of the product, it can install a fixture or a pallet.

3. Па-трэцяе, inform the product size, weight and conveying speed. Different sizes, different types of plastic conveyor chains. У дадатак, it needs different materials and motor power. Канешне, plastic chain conveyors are mainly suitable for light load.

4. Нарэшце, inform whether you need to customize other functions and accessories on the flexible chain conveyor, such as cylinders, sensors, і г.д..

Comparision with Other Conveyors

  1. 1. Plastic chain conveyor vs belt conveyor

(1) Similarity

Па-першае, they both have many kinds of application. They can be used for the transportation of finished products, as well as the transportation of powder or loose goods. Прычым, they can convey food. Па-другое, their shapes diverse according to actual needs. It can be not only straight conveyor, but also curved conveyor. Да таго ж, they can be not only horizontal conveyors, but also inclinded & vertical conveyors. Па-трэцяе, flexible chain conveyor and belt conveyor run smoothly. Акрамя таго, the structure is simple and easy to maintain.

(2) Difference

Па-першае, the material of the conveyor belt is different. The flat top chain conveyor mainly uses POM plastic chain plates. But the belt conveyor is mainly made of PVC or PU material. У дадатак, the flexible chain conveyor is spliced ​​one by one with chain plates. So when one of the plastic chain plates is broken, you can easily replace it. Аднак, when the belt is broken, it can only be replaced completely. Таму, maintenance cost of former are lower.

Па-другое, due to material reasons, plastic chain conveyor can also be applicable in industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and health care products that require high sanitary environments.

Па-трэцяе, the shape will also be different. The turning radius of the flexible chain conveyor is much smaller than that of the belt conveyor. Таму, the conveying route and shape of the flexlink conveyor can be more abundant. Таму, a very complicated conveying structure can be realized in a small space. So it will reduce the factory area.

Чацвёрты, the load is different. The belt conveyor can convey both small load and large load products. Аднак, flat top chain conveyor is often only used for light duty.

Нарэшце, the conveying principle is also different. The principle of the belt conveyor is that the motor makes the roller to drive the belt to run. But the plastic chain conveyor is that motor makes the sprocket to drive the plastic chain to run in the guide rail in the beam.

2. Flexible chain conveyor vs table top conveyor

(1) Similarity

Па-першае, the working principle is the same. The sprocket drives the plastic chain to run. Па-другое, the conveyor belts are both spliced by chain plates. Таму, it is easy to replace.

(2) Difference

Па-першае, there is a difference between the chain plates. The conveyor generally uses stainless steel and POM plastic chain plates. But the flexible chain conveyor mainly uses POM plastic chain plates. Прычым, the chain plates of the latter are mostly tooth-shaped. Таму, the structure of the flexlink conveyor can be more flexible.

Па-другое, there are also differences in structure. The side plates and guide rails of the tabletop conveyor are separated. And the guide rail usually uses the ultra-high molecular polyethylene material. But the plastic chain conveyor uses a beam structure. It is a one-piece aluminum profile.

Па-трэцяе, the appearance is also different. The width of the table top conveyor can be large. Аднак, flexible chain conveyors are often narrower. У дадатак, the turning radius of the plastic chain conveyor is also smaller. Таму, its shape can be very complicated. When turning horizontally or vertically, the flexlink conveyor usually use the curve wheels.

Нарэшце, the application and load are different. The tabletop conveyor load can be very large. So it is often used for conveying in the beer and beverage industry. Аднак, flexible chain conveyors has lighter load-bearing capacity.

Use & Maintance of Plastic Link Chain Conveyor

During the installation and adjustment of the flat top chain conveyor, we must firstly check whether the plastic chain plates is stuck. Па-другое, check the stability of stands. Because safety is the most important thing. У дадатак, when testing plastic chain conveyor, the speed should be slow. If there are problems, you can stop and adjust in time.

The flexible chain conveyor can achieve maximum curve in space. Due to the modular design, you can be install it quickly. Па-першае, fix the stands at the installation area. Then use the bracket and curve wheels to install the beam and plastic chain plates. Нарэшце, install the motor and the guide bar, і г.д..

Standard use of flat top chain conveyor:

1. Па-першае , prevent starting the conveyor with load. After the flexible chain conveyor runs smoothly, then put products for transport. Да таго ж, remember to exceed the allowable load of the plastic chain conveyor.

2. Па-другое, if the flexible chain belt deviates, please correct it in time. When the plastic chain plates are damaged, replace it with a new one in time. It is necessary to check whether the sprocket and the chain plate are working in a normal meshing state.

3. Тады, flexible chain plates of different types and specifications should not be connected together for use. У дадатак, the type, structure, specification, and number of layers of the plastic chain should be selected reasonably according to the conditions of use.

5. Нарэшце, the feeding direction should follow the running direction of the flat top chain conveyor. Адначасова, it should reduce the impact of material falling on the flexible chain. Reduce the drop distance.

Maintance of flexible chain conveyor:

The plastic chain conveyor system is easy to clean. It can directly wash the conveyor surface with water. (But don’t wash the power part and the control part with water). Наогул кажучы, please replace the motor oil in time after about half of one year. Normally, after using the flexlink conveyor, turn off the power in time. Clean the surface of the conveyor equipment for a period of time. When the equipment needs maintenance, it should be maintained by professional persons.

Troubleshooting of Flexlink Conveyor

  1. 1. Plastic chains are damaged

    There are several reasons for the damage of the flexible flat top chain. Напрыклад, sometimes the load on the plastic chain conveyor is too large. Or the impact of the chain plate is relatively large. У дадатак, it is possible that the chain plate tension is too large during installation.

  2. 2. Plastic chain conveyor belt deviation

    Наогул кажучы, the flexible chain plate is not prone to deviation. Канешне, the flexible chain is loose during transmission. У гэты час, it will cause deviation.

  3. (1) Wear of sprocket. There is a certain deviation in the sprocket in use. This will cause abnormal meshing between the flexible chain plate and the sprocket. Таму, try to choose suitable sprocket according to the model and size of the flexible chain conveyor. Then reduce the friction loss of the sprocket . Regular maintenance and inspection.(2) Another reason is the deviation of the flat top chain pitch. It is necessary to check the wear of the flexible chain and whether there are impurities.
  4. 3. The phenomenon of plastic flat top chain conveyor crawling

    What is the phenomenon of plastic chain crawling? When the flexible plastic chain is driven at a constant speed, the phenomenon of periodic move and stop or slow and fast.

  5. There are many reasons, mainly as follows:(1) The normal load is too large. Or the plastic chain conveyor is too long. Solution: Пры праектаванні, the length of flexlink conveyor should not exceed 15 meters as much as possible. When longer than 15 метраў, it is advisable to connect by several conveyors. Адначасова, the load of the flat top chain conveyor must be reasonable and not overloaded.
  6. (2) The tooth profile parameters of the drive sprocket are unreasonable. Таму, the pitch of the flexible plastic chain is not properly matched with the drive sprocket. So it will be very easy to produce crawling or teeth jumping phenomenon. The solution is to correct the tooth profile of the drive sprocket. Make it and the pitch of the chain plate must be consistent.(3) Insufficient rigidity of the plastic conveyor chain plate will also cause crawling. In order to save costs, some manufacturers blindly use low-rigidity cheap POM materials. The solution is to choose high-rigidity POM chains.
  7. (4) The change in friction is also an important reason for the phenomenon of flat top chain plate crawling. When the conveyor has too many joints and curves, if the handling is not good, the friction will change greatly. У гэты час, it is easy to produce crawling phenomenon. The solution is that the arc design should be reasonable. When it must make a sharp turn, try to use a curve wheel. This can reduce friction. If there are no restrictions on sharp bends, try to use a smooth design with large arcs.

    Other reasons:

    (5) У дадатак, the rigidity of the flat top chain conveyor frame will also have a certain impact. The beams of the flexlink conveyor system should use aluminum profiles. It will ensure the high rigidity of the conveyor beam. Адначасова, the support of the beam should be fixed firmly.


Q1. What is plastic chain?
А1. It is a new type of conveyor belt. The main material is POM. Plastic chain is also namely flexible chain, flat top chain or flexlink chain. It is made up of a series of plastic plates spliced together. It has the transmission performance of ordinary conveyor belts. But the plastic conveyor chain has better flexibility in turning and space utilization.

Q2. How long is the warranty time of your flexible chain conveyor?

А2. The warranty time of our plastic chain conveyor is 1 год. And the motor of flat top chain conveyor is 1 год.


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